Acting Fem?

07/05/2016 23:33

I never act effeminate and never an androgynous person…. Ever!


If this is not uncommon for the more consumed dressers then they are different from me .. but being an occassional crossdresser am I consumed??


I bet consumed crossdressers wives would struggle but I'm 99% of the year Alpha male and 1% dressed as a woman the two are vast extremes for me as a crossdresser.


We don't hide that we're men when we crossdress we escape looking like and acting like a man temporarily but happy to return to being men, fathers, husbands.


Crossdressing is about clothing and image and how we like women to look and try to emulate.


It's not about gender equality but its also not about coveting what women have.


Its crossdressing that is all.. We don't covet stockings and lingerie and high heels we just like wearing them every now and then and we'd like you to wear them more often… every now and then!! Please!!


If women all dressed as hairy men Ewwww why would we dress as hairy men as that's not what we find attractive.


Crossdressers, don't want to unite the sexes we just enjoy dressing up and presenting as women occasionally as an escape no motivation to prove anything or change anything apart from wanting acceptance that we do it and that there's nothing for wives to worry about in us doing it.


I don't even think most of us do it in an OTT 'feminine' way... I think I look OK when crossdressed nothing extravagant with an aim of looking passable (from a distance lol) I don't then come over all camp which would be hysterical.. I cannot do camp its just not in me.


We're not looking for full gender equality, we just want it to be thought of as less a serious “problem” (or non-problem) and more as just something we feel the urge to do and enjoy doing from time to time so “crossdressing in skirts and and heels will have to STAY!” lol Or I will be forced to say women must always wear dresses, skirts and heels and can't wear jeans and trousers EVER!  lol.