I am Cait series 2

03/04/2016 22:00

 She looks fab

Watching I am Cait with Caitlyn Jenner and appalled that the Trans women she's with are:


a) Trying to get her to date a man (She’s not interested and can you imagine how the media would react and how it would affect her family!)


b) Using her for their political ideals (which she doesn’t agree with)


c) Just using her in general (I don’t think they're helping her at all they're trying to tell her how she should be and how she should act and what she needs to do next)


d) Trying to change her political views and views on life now that she has transitioned….


Only episode 1 of the new show and its getting on my nerves especially with mention of LGBT!!


Trans isn't a sexuality!!!!!!!!! Leave her alone to find her own way.. Glad she's just said its not a Republican or Democrat issue its a Humanity issue… Exactly!!


One Trans woman just said unless she gets on board shes going to find herself isolated and obsolete... A real sign theyre just using her.. GGRRrrrrr!!!!