More Quickfire questions in the guestbook answered below

20/04/2016 19:20

1) Why do crossdressers love the idea of going out in public?

I've crossdressed all my life behind closed doors and curtains.. it can be boring and a bit repetitive  but I accept that's how it has to be for me with my wifes acceptance.

I've not ventured out in public other than being out the back garden in the pitch black of winter dressed to cool down and once put the bins out whilst dressed again in the pitch black of night .. then realised we have a street light by us but did it anyway as the bins had to go out.

I have discussed the “going out” thing with my wife.. I'm sort of of the mind it might be nice to be out of the house crossdressed if I was convinced I could pass as a woman without too much attention and if I did go out it would be dressed so not to have any attention.

My wife is dead against this so it will never happen.

I'm quite happy being a stay at home crossdresser but if some form of opportunity arose like a fancy dress where men had to go as women I'd go for it but would soon be sussed as having dressed before I expect. Lol.

My wife is scared someone would recognise me or recognise her.

The only time I would go out is with her blessing and with her but I can take it or leave it.
It isn’t important for me to go out as Davina.

My Wifes friends (they're my friends too) when we have a girly night out and they invite me as the only bloke and I have joked about me joining them as “Davina” not that they have any inkling I dress but was just a joke .. a joke in which I told them I was a crossdresser knowing full well they'd not believe me… they laughed, I laughed my wife didn't so much lol she called me a smart arse knowing I was telling them the truth about my crossdressing also knowing they’d not believe a word of it.

Conversely to what I've written some Crossdressers do go out to attract men … believe it or not there are some Bisexual and some Gay men who crossdress and they fancy men and there are men who call themselves “Admirers” who fancy men dressed up and women and what they get upto is their own business lol … Nothing to do with us straight Crossdressers.


2) Stats  showing 10% do but the other 90% think about it but don't.

It can't be an easy thing to do step out of the front door or hotel as a Crossdressed man.

Those that do it I count as quite brave or don’t give a damn what people think but the majority ie the 90% it may be something they want to do but circumstances prevent them going out dressed and for some they are happy being at home dressed but the idea of being out dressed may have some little attraction as something to experience.

My blog questionnaires point to the majority reading this blog dress at home behind closed doors.

However it is incredibly reverse sexist to deny a man being able to dress as a woman the kind of way if I say something to a certain race then I'm a racist but anyone can call me Taff or say something about Welshmen and sheep.. that’s not racist (although it is) as we're intelligent to think nothing of it.. in the same way if a man says something about a woman he’s sexist but women can more or less say anything about men… but we cant crossdress in public.

My company has a trans policy so in theory I could declare myself trans in work and go in as Davina but why would I want to do that as my crossdressing is a personal thing.


3) Public outings as sexily dressed female personas would likely involve attention from other men. You're not gay, so why?

You're mixing crossdressing with sexuality a little.. If I was to go out crossdressed which the odds say are 5 billion to 1 that I’d do it I’d dress nice and try my best to look convincing and if someone chatted me up or said I looked nice it would be a nice compliment and I'd say thankyou.. If a man made some sort of advance on me and tried chatting me up my sexuality hasn't changed I'd say “You do know I'm a bloke don't you?!” and if he said yes it would intrigue me and I'd probably chat to the guy trying to work out his motivation to want a man dressed as a woman but it would be clear he's got no chance with me and if he did try anything I’d likely break both his legs lol.

We don't dress to attract anyone we dress for ourselves this is a popular misconception that we dress to attract people “We don't”


4) Will you tell your kids?

There are no plans to tell the kids that Daddy isn't actually Batman when he disappears into the Bat cave.. He's Davina instead.. I don't see why they need to know but also I won't shelter them from the topic of crossdressing… Now I have you confused you no longer believe I am Batman so my cover is not blown phew.

We've had discussions on “Why is that man wearing makeup? And why has he painted his nails”…(Eddie Izzard)  “What's wrong with that? It's only makeup”… “Yes I suppose so” and “Is that a man dressed up as a woman?”… “Yes is there anything wrong with that?” … “No I suppose not but its a bit weird isn’t it”… “I suppose so but it's only clothes”… “True” .. Kids are pretty switched on and intelligent to new things which makes the future brighter for crossdressing men.

If I did tell them and we have no plans to let them know I crossdress it would only be if they somehow found out.. I wouldn’t tell them to make it easier for me to dress.

I will find it hard as my kids gain more freedom as they get older so I will be back to grabbing opportunity to dress or when away with work will dress.


5) What were your parents like?

Both are retired, both worked, Dad had a job taking him all over the UK and worked nights and weekends for years but he spent all the time he could with us as kids and we wanted for nothing.

I was brought up to think and speak my own mind and to be fair and just and always taught to do well in school and get a good job etc and I know they are very proud of me and I'm proud of them.

Nothing at all unusual about my upbringing pretty normal and very sporty.. there you go good family and parental structure and heavily involved in running, rugby, football, cricket and any other sport I could get involved with and yet I crossdress go figure..

I don't think the way you are brought up has any bearing for me but it may do for others.


6) Do you envy women?

No I don't envy women but I do love women and the female form and womens fashion and image.

I don't try to be a better woman than real women I don't even consider that as a thought that's ever passed my mind. I dress for myself and try to look as convincing as possible for myself.

Not an ounce of envy, anger or rejection…


7 ) There's a lot of vanity and photo showing in the lifestyle.

I have a few pics of myself on a trans website and it's nice when people add a comment to say you look nice.

Its no different to any other site .. I'm on twitter and have photos of my male self and also on facebook and Linkedin with photos of male me so makes sense that if I'm on a trans website that I'd have photos of me in my trans mode / crossdressed / as “Davina”

There is some vanity to it as everyone likes a bit of praise for doing a good job at looking ok as a crossdresser.. even better if someone says you look really convincing or that you could pass as a woman.

Nothing more than that really… We're a vane lot.


Hope this answers the questions…


Carry on… lol …. NEXT!!