
29/03/2016 23:24

The day started working from home and packing “Davina” from the attic into a bag for my trip away with work..


I had intended popping into one of the offices on the way to my destination but with easter bank holiday I had work to catch up with so I left home around 1230 for the 2.5 hour trip up north and arrived at the hotel around 1530.


Having booked into the hotel and sorted my room unpacking my male clothes I got out my female clothes and makeup then went to get something to eat.


On return to my room I answered some emails having set up the hotel wifi on my personal and work laptop and did a bit of work whilst a bath was running then got transformed around 1700.


Bath, shave, lingerie, makeup, stockings, dress heels and wig transformed in the usual 10-15 minutes and pleased with makeup and how I looked in the mirror.


I logged onto “Davinas” email as I have an email as my alter ego which helps me run this blog, Tvchix login and a place for people to email me as my alter ego from the blog.


What I didn't realise was Outlook and Skype are now linked and a Real Girl / Woman / Cis gendered woman whatever the agreeable label is said Hi and told me she'd left TV Chix via skype.


So we got chatting as she's a very nice lady (I'll refer to her as S) and we've chatted loads over the years about crossdressing or other halves and how they deal with dressing etc which was very nice.


It is nice to get things off your chest and discuss crossdressing with someone.. as I said I know my wife doesn't like to talk about it or doesn't know what to say about it so its nice to chat to another wife about it.


Being on Skype chatting there is the option of video and I know my wife will freak but the option was taken to continue chatting whilst on video.. I was really nervous as now i'm typing to this lovely lady who looked lovely too and she can see me crossdressed.


She was very nice and complimented me on my makeup and how I looked and we continued having a nice chat which was cool as my nervousness of her being able to see me subsided and we laughed and joked and discussed the pros and cons of crossressing and talked about our partners.


It was really nice to be able to see who i'm chatting to and nice to chat to a very accepting and understanding woman.


My wife will read this and probably tell me off for chatting to someone on video skype.


It was nice and we'll probably chat again some time.. I'd invite my wife to chat on video with S but know she'll probably say “no chance”.. Never mind at least she accepts my crossdressing escapism.


So to the Couple who messaged me about chatting on Skype (Maybe)..


22:30 watched the football as Davina “England lost to Holland” in a friendly 2-1 another bath after removing makeup and packed Davina up now watching Transformers on Film 4 and updating my blog.. Wondering now what the wife will say cos I went on Skype video.. Probably call me an idiot but there was no way S would know who I am as a man so knew there was no chance of being outed or anything and it was really nice to just discuss crossdressing.. theraputic even.